Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fertigasi cili - lebih cergas dan lumayan dgn Fotogen100

Will be doing some demo in fertigation crops like rock melon and chilli. This plot is in Sg.Buloh area and we are just 20 days after transplanting. Just too bad that there will be no comparison as the farmer has instructed the supervisor to spray the whole area after seeing that the treated plot is indeed growing faster than the untreated plot. Will update periodically as the plants progress...... more harvest than before????!!!!!!!!!!

Romy - bertugas di plot sini. 20 hari selepas tanam dlm beg

Jangkitan keringting daun

pokok yg sihat pd 20 hari. 20days after transplant

20 days

puting bunga mula keluar. Flower buds appearing

Fotogen100 disembur 14 hari sekali

cergas & cepat

semua 4000 beg.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Social Development visit to natives villages

Visiting the interior of peninsular Malaysia where the natives - orang asli , are located along the Jelai River. This area is roughly right in the center of our peninsular. Ten years ago, we have to start the journey by boat and then start walking for 2-3 hours before you arrived at the first village. Today you can drive up to the first village by 4 wheel-drive jeep and continue to the other villages. Not much development except for the road which have help tremendously to bring essential food and take out agriculture /jungle products. I am trying to bring agricultural knowledge and technology in the hope that life will be better for our natives friends.

Signboard indicating to 'pos' as in the red indian trading post
Usually a pos will have a school and clinic

Birth control is alien to the natives

Large scale banana planting has started in the villages after the road was improved
and more traders started to trade with the orang asli.

With a 75 yrs old friend who has just become a father.

Beautiful butterflies

Tapioca plants up on the hills. Last year rice was planted with the tapioca.

another shot of the tapioca

pounding padi to remove the husk

Jelai River - may be the site of a hydropower station

hanging bridge over the river

Drying fire wood outside the house

Hibiscus flower

Another village

Pos Lenjang

Children everywhere - have to bring a lots of sweet