will start to upload what great benefits this new mineral complex is doing for farmers
After such a long time I finally got to write again. Why????? You can guess..... lazy??? busy??? not bothered?????? This is my home based aquaponic in the balcony of a apartment. Quite an interesting hobby which if fine-tuned can be commercialised into a business especially with the current trend in not getting sweat/soaked under the sun. Modern farming which youths of today will venture into - kind of high tech and don't dirty your hand with dirt. A upper 7 hole plastic trough and lower 4 hole trough. Planted about 5 weeks ago, I reckon a small tray for germinating/nursery would be better to get even size plants. The blue water tank is about 100litres water and the aquarium about 60 lits. So far only gave 2 teaspoons of potassium nitrate and some phosphate.
Another view, the lower trough has smaller plants.
Happy reading.....