Wednesday, June 8, 2011

DIY Home aquaponic

will start to upload what great benefits this new mineral complex is doing for farmers

After such a long time I finally got to write again. Why????? You can guess..... lazy??? busy??? not bothered?????? This is my home based aquaponic in the balcony of a apartment. Quite an interesting hobby which if fine-tuned can be commercialised into a business especially with the current trend in not getting sweat/soaked under the sun. Modern farming which youths of today will venture into - kind of high tech and don't dirty your hand with dirt. A upper 7 hole plastic trough and lower 4 hole trough. Planted about 5 weeks ago, I reckon a small tray for germinating/nursery would be better to get even size plants. The blue water tank is about 100litres water and the aquarium about 60 lits. So far only gave 2 teaspoons of potassium nitrate and some phosphate.

This is the resonator which is connected to a fish pump to circulate the water. The function is to have better oxygenation and ionize the water molecules. Transmutation of elements may be any phenomenon in this resonator. So little fertilizer is added to the water and yet the plants are growing very well. The aquarium has only about 10 fishes of about 1.5inches. These are the cups to germinate and hold the plants.

Another view, the lower trough has smaller plants.

The aquarium with the fishes. Currently feeding them 2 times a day with about 8 pellets. When can I get to harvest them ????? 6 months or longer...............

Happy reading.....