Friday, June 18, 2010

Higher rice yield using Fotogen 100 even in hot weather

We have just completed the 3 test plots in Sekinchan, Selangor this week. The usual weather pattern for this part of the year played havoc on the farmers and their yield(income). The first season planting always give a lower yield than the second season mainly due to the higher temp - an increase of 1 degree C will result in 10% reduction in yield. This year it was hot and strong wind also damaged many areas - 3 of our plots were affected with one which was quite severe. Overall we managed to get from 10 - 15% increase in yield with the farmers very happy and wanted to continue with the test for the second season. We are planning to get more farmers to use our Fotogen100 for the second season - may be a special discount will be given to encourage more farmers to start buying Fotogen 100.

Two harvesters working side by side

Unloading at the collection centre before sending to Kedah for planting seed processing.
Kedah seed producers buy MR219 variety from Sekinchan.

Transferring the rice grains to trailer

Close-up view

Half the field harvested

Friday, June 11, 2010

Dragon Fruit Resistant to diseases

Just came back from business trip to Johor which is the southern state in peninsula Malaysia. I have sold a small amount of a more concentrated formula which is named 'Fotoplus300'. This product is recommended to specific crops which are prone to bacterial and viral attack with secondary infection by fungus. One such crop is the dragon fruit, a rather fast maturing plant and come into fruiting less than a year after planting in the field. This particular 12 acres farm is now into 2 months of using Fotoplus300. The disease attack has drop more than 50% from the visual signs on the stems and fruits. The plant has started to develop stronger new stems that showed sign of resistant. Hopefully we can achieve total recovery in another 2 months. Below are some of the photos taken.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Crazy plant growth

When I told my friend that they were the photos of his potted plant, he commented - 'crazy'. That is a real comment when you look at the photos below. This product Fotogen100 which I am right now very busy introducing to farmers nationwide can really transform or revive a dying plant. Here are the 2 photos:

The rice harvesting season has started in Sekinchan. I have taken a few snaps of the paddy/padi plots that were sprayed with Fotogen100. Have to wait for another week before we can see the result of the first treated plot. The farmer commented on the heavy fruiting(more grains) which is very evident at the edge of the plot as compared the next untreated plot.

Picture of the Fotogen100 plot with our signboard.

The farmer Mr Pua, holding a bottle of the Fotogen100

Look at the field - full of golden padi $$$$$$$
My estimate is an extra yield of 2 tons from this 3 acres plot of land.

Full of grains can be seen on the edge of the Fotogen100 plot

The next plot which is untreated- what a vast difference.

Will update next week after getting the harvested tonnage.................a new yield record for this farmer and also this region - the highest yield in Malaysia.